Posted in 2019

My attempt at creating more

I began blogging in the now prehistoric late 2000s.

I’ve done a few blogs about different subjects (computer science, algorithms, web development, short stories and political ramblings). I’ve had blogs on Blogspot, Wordpress and, more recently, Medium.

Those platforms were (or are, I suppose) an easy way to spew your ideas over the Internet while also being nice and comfy for other people to actually read (this last point is important for the CSS-challenged such as yours truly). In other words, those services Got Shit Done™.

Speeding Up the Backend with Graph Theory

Here at Sensor Tower we handle large volumes of data, so to keep things snappy for our customers we need to think carefully about how we process and serve that data.

Understanding the data we’re handling is a fundamental part of improving the way we serve it, and by analyzing how an important backend service worked, we were able to speed it up by a factor of four.